Canadian Horror: Still/Born Delivers!
An Overlook Film Festival world premiere, Still/Born gave audiences a proper scare. Between tension inspiring music cues, solid jump scares, and a building sense of dread, this indie flick has the feel of a much bigger production. Obviously a labor of love for director Brandon Christensen and the rest of the crew that was able to make it up to the Timberline lodge this weekend, we have got no doubt that someone in the industry will pick it up for a wide release.
Still/Born delivers a truly fun ride through the lives of Mary, Jack, and their new baby Adam. While the music cues telegraph that something bad is about to happen, I was never quite sure what it was going to be. The cinematography is very professional - no "up the nose" shots, crazy zooms, or cheap camera angles as some first time feature directors are wont to do. What's more, the script is well paced, resulting in a film that does a whole lot more showing than telling. I was quickly sucked in, and so was the rest of the audience - one viewer audibly screeched when the first jump scare hit.
I look forward to seeing Still/Born get a wide release, and I almost interrogated Brandon about what he might be working on next... However, that will just have to wait until we interview him on an upcoming episode. Be sure to follow him on Instagram and stay tuned!
Image shamelessly pulled from Brandon's Instagram - seriously... go check him out!